“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 at the age of 63. Regular PSA checks revealed a Gleason score of 7/10, and further tests confirmed cancer was active in my prostate.
After letting it sink in that I had prostate cancer, I wanted as much information as possible. What were the best options to remove the cancer? What was the recovery rate for each, including side effects after treatment? Would my life ever return to normal?
After discussing with my wife and doctor, I decided my best option was to have my prostate removed by standard surgery procedure. The decision was based on my age and the fact that I was still fit enough for a quick recovery.
It has now been three years since my operation, and regular PSA tests are well within safe levels. My life since the operation has been good, with minimal effects bar the usual toilet runs and leaks. I manage the situation the best that I can, and Confitex underwear gives me confidence in managing my condition.”